Add personalization and A/B testing to your POWR app sections.

Plus, enjoy an exclusive discount as a POWR customer!
Display a new collection to visitors who've purchased before

Rule type: Customer segments (Shopify or Klaviyo)

Show a specific banner to visitors from Toronto between July 1-4

Rule type: Geolocation & Date range

Swap marketing sections across templates for visitors from an ad

Rule type: UTM parameters

Display rain gear when it's going to be wet in the next 7 days

Rule type: Weather


Recipe details

Create a customer segment, add and select variations, apply rules and measure the results.

Preview your recipe

Customer segment recipes are triggered by rules.

The preview button offers marketers the ability to see what the changes will look like once a recipe is run.

Add a variation

Each section in your theme is represented here in a recipe.

To create another variation of your section, simply click the "+ Variation" button and get creative.

Select and save your recipe

Once you've create your variations, select the ones you'd like to display when this recipe is run.

Don't forget to click save.

Edit your variations

You can always edit each of your variations.

Once you edit a variation it will be updated across all recipes that use it.